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How do immigrants affect you, your family, and your community?

Although immigration can benefit our country in many ways, sometimes those impacts cannot be seen directly and are hidden behind the numbers. We often use anecdotes to shape the views we possess, which is why it is important to look at the entire picture with reliable data. Below are some statistics that you may or may not have known about how immigrants affect you and the people around you.


Impacts on the Economy

Immigrants generated 2 trillion dollars to the United States economy in 2016 and paid 458.7 billion dollars in taxes to the federal, state, and local governments in 2018.

Impacts on Social Security Beneficiaries

The worker to social security beneficiary ratio has decreased from 3.4 to only 2.8 workers per beneficiary in the last 45 years, and it is projected to decrease by another 18% in the next 15 years. If the ratio continues to decrease, it is likely that social security will be cut.

Image by SJ Objio

Impacts on the Medicare Program

An immigrant pays about 166 dollars to the Medicare Trust Fund for every person in the United States every year. While a native-born United States Citizen takes away about 51 dollars per person every year.

Impacts on Our Communities

Legal and undocumented immigrants commit  far lower rates of violent crime, property crime, and drug related crime than U.S.-born citizens, making our neighborhoods safer.

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