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Image by The New York Public Library


Why is immigration important?

Immigration is a key foundation of America. Our nation was built by people who were poor, persecuted, and driven away from their own countries, causing them to immigrate to this land in pursuit of freedom and new opportunities. Although we have had a history of discrimination against immigrants who are different from us, such as the Irish and the Italians, we eventually learned to accept them as Americans. Why make the same mistake again, when we can welcome those who are newly immigrating here with open arms? Why not give the same opportunities to those who seek them now?

Why are we discussing this now?

Immigration is a hot topic issue right now, especially after Trump ran on the platform of severely reducing immigration and painting immigrants all as bad actors. I want to bring the information and data I have found about immigration to our fellow Americans, like you, and offer a different perspective to this issue that is so polarizing within our nation. I also want to deconstruct some of the preconceptions that we have about immigrants and demonstrate the impacts that immigration have on our families, our communities, and our day-to-day lives.

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